by Kids’ Own
A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Here’s our guide to making cardboard things move by artist Vanya Lambrecht-Ward. Learn how to:
The aim of the guide is to give you a starting point for thinking about different ways to make things move in a way that allows you to explore and develop this in more detail in your own way and with other materials.
Download a copy of the guide to print out and follow.
Below are some photos from the online workshop where our reinventors first got to make cardboard move!
‘Reinventions’ is a Kids’ Own project supported by the Community Foundation of Ireland, which seeks to cultivate an ethos of sustainability and creative reuse.
In our product-saturated, commercial world, Kids’ Own is passionate about supporting children to develop awareness of and appreciation for sustainable approaches and global issues. Small steps at a local/community level can make a difference!