A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Kids’ Own is Ireland’s only dedicated publisher of books by children. Through a range of local, national and international projects, we connect children with professional artists and publish the work that they create.
Here’s what we did in 2022: Kids’ Own Activity Report 2022.pdf
Our vision is for a society that recognises children as independent writers, thinkers and creators and that truly values the arts in the lives of all children.
Our mission is to develop, publish and promote artwork and writing created by children for children and their communities, through meaningful engagement with professional artists.
“I Hope You Grow” project participants
Colm O’Gorman
Executive Director
Amnesty International Ireland
Class Teacher
St Angela’s National School
Young Writers project participant
Ann Henderson
Virtually There project artist
Parent of project participant
County Mayo
Pupil in Virtually There project
St. Patrick’s PS