A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Recommended age: 4-8
Children explore our travel choices and how we might get around more sustainably in this publication aimed at children and families.
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This book looks at how children experience the outdoors and shows that there is an appetite by the youngest in society to choose more sustainable transport means in their communities, particularly walking and cycling.
Through the words and art of the children we can see that travel is more than a means to arriving at a destination but it is about the experience of the journey itself.
– Participant
‘I can taste the rain’ is published by Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership in partnership with Go Dungarvan’s Smarter Travel campaign and Waterford Childcare Committee.
A Kids’ Own Publication
1st Edition (2015)
Paperback: 48 pages, full colour
ISBN: 978-1-902432-96-0
100% of proceeds support children’s participation in the arts.