A Beak Like a Banana – A children’s environmental field guide for having fun in the outdoors

A Beak Like a Banana – A children’s environmental field guide for having fun in the outdoors

Recommended age: 8 – 12

This book is an easy to follow, simple to use guide to getting outside the classroom and into the environment.


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Learning outside involves using our senses such as sight, sound, smell and touch to help us appreciate the natural environment. Learning outside is fun. We hope this book helps you and your class to discover just that, how to have fun!

Our young environmental explorers from St. Patrick’s National School in Maugherow went to the rocky sea shore on their environmental field trip because that is one of their local habitats. You can pick one close to you such as a woodland, a farm, a bog, a beach or a wild part of your school grounds. Getting to the location is only a part of the journey. It’s what you do when you’re there that marks the beginning of the real adventure.

Read book online for free here

Cover of Beak like a banana - Kids Own environmental guide - drawings of shells
Cover of Beak like a banana - Kids Own environmental guide - drawings of seaweed
Cover of Beak like a banana - Kids Own environmental guide page

‘The natural world is our playground and we should continue to play in it. The sense of fun we had in developing this book made the experience and the learning so much easier.’

– Declan Feeney, lecturer in Environmental Science, IT Sligo

Additional Info

‘A Beak Like a Banana’ is published by Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership in association with Sligo Tidy Towns, Sligo County Council and was funded by the Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund and and IT Sligo Environmental Science Department.

A Kids’ Own Publication
1st Edition (2016)

Paperback: 20 pages, full colour
ISBN: 97819024333731

100% of proceeds support children’s participation in the arts

Weight: 0.076kg

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