by Kids’ Own
We are excited to share this documentation video, which was filmed during our ‘Right by us’ project.
The ‘Right by us’ project began in January 2022, and we worked with a group of young people in the Northside Community Centre in Sligo. These young people explored and responded to the European Child Guarantee, which aims to ensure “that every child in Europe at risk of poverty or social exclusion has access to the most basic of rights like healthcare and education”, through a series of creative processes.
Associate artist Sarah Lundy and associate writer Mary Branley worked with the young people to help them identify strands of this Strategy that are most relevant to them. This video documents the young participants’ use of oil and chalk pastels while reflecting on the European Child Guarantee.
This project was supported by the Department of Foreign affairs, through the Communicating Europe Initiative
Watch the video here: ‘Right by us video’