Opening the Door – Experience, learning and legacy from our Being and Belonging project

Opening the Door – Experience, learning and legacy from our Being and Belonging project

Recommended reader: Artists, parents and Early Learner groups

Building upon a tradition of supporting a culture of respecting all cultural and community traditions, this project has used creativity as a way of unlocking potential in very young children and their parents, and has supported a process of community building and creating new connections between children, parents, parent and toddler groups and artists.



Being and Belonging is an arts project that placed four artists in four parent and toddler groups in the border counties of Ireland. Over a seven-week period, artists worked with parents and very young children through a creative and exploratory process to celebrate creativity, diversity, inclusion and family learning.

This book combines three case studies with research to examine the learning and legacy and to contextualise the value of this work within current pedagogical frameworks.

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Opening the Door - page from book
Opening the Door - page from book
Opening the Door - page from book

When we see the child as a capable, competent, active learner, we provide experiences that recognise the wealth of knowledge that even very young children already bring.

– Early Childhood Ireland

Additional info

‘Opening the Door’ is authored by Áine McKenna and published by Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership in partnership with Early Childhood Ireland and Early Years. It was kindly funded by The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

A Kids’ Own Publication
1st Edition (2013)

Paperback: 56 pages, full colour
ISBN: 978-1902432854

100% of proceeds support children’s participation in the arts

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