Can’t Lose Cant

Can’t Lose Cant

Recommended for all ages.

A book created by Traveller and settled children in County Kildare that explores the Traveller language Cant through a colourful collection of drawings and illustrations.



This book has been a popular title since it was first published by Kids’ Own in 2003, asa result of a creative process with Traveller and settled children in County Kildare. It represents a truly unique and significant resource as a world first book about the Cant language, developed by young people.

Originally published in 2003, this new edition includes a foreword by writer Oein De Bhairduin.

‘This reprint gives space and word to an age-old tongue, set alongside the beautiful creative creations, ideas, thoughts and art of children – children who continue to be custodians of our language to yet another rising generation’

– Oein  De Bhairduin, Writer

Can’t Lose Cant is back, and every bit as quirky and delightful as the day it was first published in 2003. This reprint is important for many young Travellers, who have an expressed hope to bring Cant back to their communities’

– Mary Branley, Kids’ Own Associate Writer


‘The relaunch of Can’t Lose Cant will present a whole new generation of people from both the Traveller and settled communities, and people of all ages, with the chance to engage with the language and celebrate a rich and historical culture’

– Jamie Murphy, Sligo Traveller Support Group

Can’t Lose Cant is published by Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership CLG. The reprint of this book has been generously funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.

A Kids’ Own Publication
1st Edition (2003)
2nd Edition (2021)

Paperback: 28 pages, full colour
ISBN: 9781902432670

100% of proceeds support children’s participation in the arts

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