A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Recommended age: adult
Teachers and artists share ideas for developing arts projects in the classroom.
A book from Trading Places / C.R.E.A.T.E, developed through a three-year artists-in-schools residency programme with Kids’ Own. This took place in 10 schools involving 11 artists north and south of the Irish border. The aim of the project was to develop creative partnerships that utilised the power of new technologies and the visual arts as a vehicle for exploring and communicating cultural diversity. The project sought to reconnect communities once connected through the linen industry in Ireland.
Through the introduction of contemporary arts practices, classrooms were transformed into studios. Artists, children and teachers were continually challenged to interrogate their ideas, negotiate the creation of meaning, and strive for authentic collaboration. Teachers witnessed their students working with great motivation and inspiration as they explored questions about their own identity, the world and their place in it.
– Mary McCann, teacher
‘Beneath The Surface’ is published by Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership and is funded by the European Untion INTERREG IIIA Programme Ireland/Northern Ireland throught the Irish Central Border Area INTERREG IIIA Partnership (ICBAN).
A Kids’ Own Publication
1st edition (2007)
Paperback: 64 pages
Product Dimensions: 21 x 19 x 0.9 cm
ISBN: 9781902432274
100% of proceeds support children’s participation in the arts.