by Kids’ Own

A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Kids’ Own met up with the young people taking part in the What is Art? programme to go through the first draft of the book. It was a very exciting day. We reviewed the content and made changes and added more exciting parts to our book.
This programme is a partnership between Kids’ Own and The Butler Gallery in Kilkenny. Kids’ Own have worked alongside a core group of 12 children and young people over the past year and a half to explore and examine our thoughts and ideas about Art. Throughout our time together we drew inspiration from the exhibitions on at the gallery we met and interviewed Aideen Barry, Declan Rooney, George Vaughan and Jackie Nickerson.
The final publication “What is Art” will be published later this Spring.
So what is art in your mind? It’s a big question and we haven’t all the answers, so you’ll have to try and find out for yourself.
But we hope our book will help.