by Kids’ Own

A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
The National Arts in Education Portal, the key national digital resource of arts and education practice in Ireland, will be launched on 19 May 2015 by The Minister for Education and Skills Jan O’Sullivan T.D. in the Printworks, Dublin Castle, at 2.00pm.
This national initiative by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Department of Education and Skills has been implemented as part of the Arts in Education Charter. Kids’ Own – in consultation with an editorial committee – has led the development of content for the Portal. Representatives from the arts and education sectors took part in consultations hosted by Kids’ Own in partnership with ATECI to assess the potential serviceability of the online portal and explore the possibilities for content.
The Arts in Education Portal will be a national digital resource of arts and education practice for teachers, artists, and anyone working in the field of arts in education. It will provide a dedicated space where good practice, research, resources and inspirational case studies can be shared and accessed online.
The Portal will be accessible from 19 May at
Keep up-to-date through the Portal’s social media links:
Featured image: Thinking Visual schools residency with artist John Beattie and Transition Year students at Blessington Community College, curated by Jennie Guy.