Published 19.11.2010
by Kids’ Own

Minister for Children attends the launch of Ding Dong

Kids’ Own was delighted to launch a brand new publication last week, called ‘Ding Dong, Right or Wrong: Children’s rights, needs and visions for the future’, which was made by children in Sligo, Derry, Bundoran and Enniskillen as part of our Travelling Library cross-border tour (funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund).The launch was attended by Barry Andrews TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, who spoke highly of the children’s achievement and enjoyed reading the book with the children in the Travelling Library.

The book was officially launched by Jillian van Turnhout, Director of the Children’s Rights Alliance who helped us to organise the launch as part of celebrations to mark the 21st anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Thanks to the Children’s Rights Alliance for all their support and to Minister Andrews for taking the time to come along! And of course to the children who worked so hard on the making of the book.
