A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Click here to read the Kids’ Own Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023
Established in 1997, Kids’ Own holds an important position within the arts and education sector in Ireland. Kids’ Own is driven by a passionate belief in the intrinsic value of the arts in children’s lives; as a source of joy, fulfilment and connection. We work to give children greater access to cultural expression and to be actively, creating, enquiring, communicating and making meaning through the arts.
Our ethos is rooted in professional arts practice and we produce professionally published outputs (in print and online) that elevate the status of children’s voices and artwork and bring these to a wider audience.
With a strong social justice agenda, we support children of all backgrounds and abilities to be seen and heard in our society. As a dynamic and creative organisation, Kids’ Own is always striving to innovate and explore new ways of working with children and young people.
The Kids’ Own 2021 – 2023 strategy sets out our objectives for the next three years to continue advancing our charitable purpose. It reflects our ambition, commitment and determination to enrich children’s lives through publishing and the arts.
Click here to read the full Kids’ Own Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023