A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Click here to read our Child Safegaurding Policy
Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership is Ireland’s only dedicated publisher of books by children. Through a range of local, national and international projects, we connect children with professional artists and publish the work that they create.
We provide the following services/activities to children and young people:
Kids’ Own Child Safeguarding Procedures Statement
Kids’ Own is committed to a child-centred approach to working with children and young people. We undertake to provide a safe environment and experience, where the welfare of the child/young person is paramount. We will adhere to the recommendations of the following guidelines in the development and implementation of the Kids’ Own Child Safeguarding Policy.
We have implemented procedures covering:
This policy will be reviewed on or before 1/01/2024
Designated Liaison Person: Emma Kavanagh
Deputy Designated Liaison Person: Ciara Gallagher
Click to read our Child Safeguarding Policy.