by Kids’ Own
A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Kids’ Own is delighted to announce that we have been selected by the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to develop the content for and project management of the National Arts in Education Portal in consultation with an Arts In Education advisory committee.
In January 2013, an Arts in Education charter was jointly launched by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Department of Education and Skills. One of the key deliverables specified in the charter is an Arts in Education portal which will be a key communications and information channel for both the education and arts sectors.
Kids’ Own has a long history of designing, managing and implementing arts, education and technology projects which nurture children’s individual creative expression. Kids’ Own works alongside and supports artists and teachers within schools and across a range of education and community contexts and we have strong connections within both sectors.
Kids’ Own in partnership with ATECI will host six consultations in October and November 2014 with representatives from the arts and education sectors to assess the potential serviceability of the online portal and explore the possibilities for content. We invite participation from principals, teachers, artists, arts organisations, galleries, national cultural institutions, education centres, local authority arts offices and any other potential stakeholders at these consultations. Dates and venues for these consultations will be announced in early October. For further information contact [email protected] or ph. 071-9124945.