by Kids’ Own

A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
The World of Children is our brand new book, which was launched in late December, and developed in partnership with the Children and Youth Programme (a joint research initiative of the UNESCO Chairs at University of Ulster & NUIG).
The launch of The World of Children was attended by children from Our Lady of Mercy Primary School in Sligo, and Killyhommon Primary School in Boho, Co. Fermanagh, who made the book through a series of workshops with Kids’ Own, exploring four key questions that underpin the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Why are children important? What’s important to children? Who are children important to? and Who should listen to children?
Also present at the launch were Alan Smith, UNESCO Chair at the University of Ulster, and Patricia Lewsley, the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children & Young People, who officially unveiled the books and presented each child with their own copy.