by Kids’ Own
A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Come to “Our Map” hosted by Kids’ Own at Roscommon Arts Centre this September and join the hive of industry and creativity during Culture Night weekend.
Share your stories through book making and digital mapping and join us in the creation of a new digital map of Roscommon which will bring your ideas and experiences to life.
This project is part of a new exploration of work for Kids’ Own that seeks to combine traditional forms of book making and storytelling with technology in order to create fun interactive environments for children and their families.
Culture Night: Friday 16th September
Early bird drop-in (3-6pm) for children and families
Saturday 17th September
10.00-11.30am (4-5 years)
12.00-1.30pm (6-8 years)
3.00-4.30pm (9-11 years)
Sunday 18th September
10.00-11.30am (4-5 years)
12.00-1.30pm (6-8 years)
3.00-4.30pm (9-11 years)
Capacity per session – 16 (8 children, 8 adults)
The Kids’ Own “Our Map” sessions are free but booking is essential for the Saturday & Sunday slots.
For booking information visit
To view the map go to