by Kids’ Own

A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
The Kids’ Own Book Factory is nearly here!!
Kids’ Own have been working flat out with students from IT Sligo, and artist Naomi Draper, to create this amazingly unique and eccentric book-making experience for early years children.
This unique tailor-made workshop and interactive programme will be installed in the Model, Sligo during the Sligo Children’s Book Festival (1st-5th March 2013). This is an innovative, immersive and creative story production experience for young children. Children will journey through four areas, assisted by artists Orla Kenny and Naomi Draper: an inspiration station, a studio, a library and a printing press, and work alongside an artist and a writer to create their own handmade book to share and take home.
This is the most creative production line Sligo has ever seen!
The Book Factory is being developed by Kids’ Own in collaboration with Industrial Design students from IT Sligo and artist Naomi Draper. It will make its debut at the Children’s Book Festival Launch at the Model, Sligo, on 1st March, 4pm.
Keep an eye out for the Book Factory at other locations and festivals throughout 2013.