by Kids’ Own
A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
After the success of the 2012 phase of Virtually There, which took place from February to June, Kids’ Own are delighted to announce that the virtual artist-in-residence programme will repeat during the 2012-13 school year. The schools and artists that participated in 2012 will all be returning for the 2012-13 phase.
In 2012 seven schools from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland participated in projects involving virtual link-ups to the studios of seven artists. Each artist worked on a theme or concept with the children in the schools, both as an educational and a participatory journey.
Work is also underway for the upcoming release of an iBook documenting the 2012 projects. Follow Kids’ Own news for updates.
For the project journals from 2012 click here.
For more information on the artists that participated in this year’s project click here.
Virtually There is supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.