by Kids’ Own
A children�s arts organisation and publishing house.
Through the Eyes of Traveller Children, a new book by Traveller children from Dungarvan, County Waterford, launches 24 June 2014 at The Old Market House Arts Centre, Dungarvan, to celebrate Travellers Pride Week.
Providing a snapshot of Traveller children, their lives and traditions, the book took shape through a series of creative workshops with Traveller children and their parents. The children worked with Kids’ Own artist Orla Kenny and writer Mary Branley to share their experiences, stories and hopes for the future. The project provided a unique opportunity for children and mothers from the Traveller community to play and be creative together and to publish their very own book.
Through the Eyes of Traveller Children emerged through a partnership between Waterford Childcare Committee, Waterford County Traveller Interagency Group and Kids’ Own.
‘I was born in Cork and I’ve travelled to different places, like Galway and Dublin and other places. My family used to travel round to different places and live in caravans. My Grandmother and all me family were living in Dungarvan so we decided to move here. I’m here 12 years now. Just because we live in a house we’re still Travellers. We were born Travellers.’ – Margaret
‘Boxing is great. I’m training hard to get into the tournaments
next year. I like all the boxing gear and the bandages and the
gloves. I spar with my cousin. You win if you land the punches
on the other fella. I like going boxing and even watching the
matches. Katie Taylor is a good boxer for a girl. She got the gold
for Ireland at the Olympics. I’d like to be a professional boxer
when I grow up.’ – Peter
Through the Eyes of Traveller Children has been funded by Waterford County Council. The title retails at €10.00 and will be available to buy from 24 June through the Kids’ Own online bookshop.